Top 10 Rust Packages for Web Development

Are you looking for the best Rust packages for web development? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 Rust packages that will make your web development experience smoother and more efficient. From web frameworks to database drivers, these packages have got you covered.

1. Rocket

Rocket is a web framework for Rust that is designed to be fast, secure, and easy to use. It provides a simple and intuitive API that allows you to quickly build web applications. Rocket is also highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. With its built-in support for templates, static files, and middleware, Rocket is a great choice for building web applications of any size.

2. Actix

Actix is another web framework for Rust that is designed to be fast and efficient. It uses an actor model to handle requests, which allows it to handle large numbers of requests simultaneously. Actix also provides a powerful routing system that makes it easy to handle complex URL patterns. With its support for WebSocket and HTTP/2, Actix is a great choice for building real-time web applications.

3. Diesel

Diesel is a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Rust that makes it easy to interact with databases. It provides a type-safe query builder that allows you to write SQL queries in Rust. Diesel also provides support for migrations, which makes it easy to manage changes to your database schema. With its support for multiple database backends, Diesel is a great choice for building web applications that need to interact with databases.

4. Serde

Serde is a serialization and deserialization library for Rust that makes it easy to convert data between different formats. It provides a simple and intuitive API that allows you to serialize and deserialize data in JSON, YAML, and other formats. Serde also provides support for custom data formats, which makes it easy to work with data that doesn't fit into a standard format. With its support for zero-copy deserialization, Serde is a great choice for building high-performance web applications.

5. Warp

Warp is a lightweight web framework for Rust that is designed to be fast and efficient. It provides a simple and intuitive API that allows you to quickly build web applications. Warp also provides support for WebSocket and HTTP/2, which makes it a great choice for building real-time web applications. With its support for filters and middleware, Warp is a great choice for building web applications that need to handle complex requests.

6. Hyper

Hyper is a low-level HTTP library for Rust that provides a simple and intuitive API for building HTTP clients and servers. It provides support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, which makes it a great choice for building web applications that need to handle large numbers of requests. Hyper also provides support for WebSocket, which makes it a great choice for building real-time web applications.

7. Rustls

Rustls is a TLS library for Rust that provides a simple and intuitive API for building secure web applications. It provides support for TLS 1.3, which is the latest version of the TLS protocol. Rustls also provides support for ALPN, which allows you to negotiate the protocol to use for a connection. With its support for zero-copy encryption, Rustls is a great choice for building high-performance web applications.

8. Tokio

Tokio is a runtime for Rust that provides a simple and intuitive API for building asynchronous applications. It provides support for futures and streams, which makes it easy to write asynchronous code. Tokio also provides support for networking and file I/O, which makes it a great choice for building web applications that need to handle large numbers of requests.

9. Tera

Tera is a template engine for Rust that provides a simple and intuitive API for building templates. It provides support for template inheritance, which makes it easy to reuse templates. Tera also provides support for filters and macros, which makes it a great choice for building web applications that need to generate dynamic content.

10. Postgres

Postgres is a database driver for Rust that provides a simple and intuitive API for interacting with PostgreSQL databases. It provides support for transactions, prepared statements, and connection pooling, which makes it easy to write efficient database code. Postgres also provides support for asynchronous I/O, which makes it a great choice for building web applications that need to interact with databases.


In conclusion, these are the top 10 Rust packages for web development. Whether you're building a small web application or a large-scale web application, these packages have got you covered. From web frameworks to database drivers, these packages provide the tools you need to build efficient and secure web applications. So what are you waiting for? Start building your next web application with Rust today!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed